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Avira AntiVir Command-line Scanner

We offer Avira AntiVir Command-line Scanner so that you can use AntiVir at the command prompt in order to scan your files faster. You need to download the archive and extract avcls.exe in an empty directory on your hard disk. In the same directory, you should copy your license file and extract all files from the fusebundle archive.
For more information, please see the ReadMe file included in the product package.

Avira AntiVir command line scanner (unicode for Windows 2000, XP and Vista)

Date: 26 May 2008 - Version :
Avira AntiVir Support Collector (Windows)

Business customers who have the AntiVir Support Service can use the AntiVir Support Collector which helps us to provide fast support and a professional solution. The AntiVir Support Collector creates a detailed error analysis of your system.

Avira AntiVir Support Collector (Windows)
Date: 14 Apr 2009 - Version :
Avira RegistryCleaner

Normally the Avira RegistryCleaner removes all entries that were created by AntiVir. In this way, it prepares your system for the installation of a new AntiVir version.
Avira AntiVir RegistryCleaner
Date: 11 Feb 2008 - Version :
Avira AntiVir Rescue System

The Avira AntiVir Rescue System a linux-based application that allows accessing computers that cannot be booted anymore. Thus it is possible to repair a damaged system, to rescue data or to scan the system for virus infections. Just double-click on the rescue system package to burn it to a CD/DVD. You can then use this CD/DVD to boot your computer. The Avira AntiVir Rescue System is updated several times a day so that the most recent security updates are always available.

Avira AntiVir Rescue System
Date: 17 Sep 2009 - Version : 20090917100417
德國小紅傘防毒-Avira Support Customer Module免費下載

Avira Support Customer Module
The customer module is necessary for a remote connection to the Avira Support. Please, download the module and start it at the suggestion of the Avira support. After that, please, tell us the ID and the password in order to establish the connection.

Avira Support Customer Module

Date: 03 Apr 2008 - Version
Avira AntiVir Support Collector (Unix/Linux)
Business customers who have the AntiVir Support Service can use the AntiVir Support Collector which helps us to provide fast support and a professional solution. The AntiVir Support Collector creates a detailed error analysis of your system.
Please unpack the TAR.GZ archive in the console with e.g. "tar xvzf support-collector.tar.gz" into a directory of your choice. Then change to the folder Support-Collector. Start the Support-Collector with the command "./" and confirm the creation of a compressed archive with the information in the following dialogue with "y". Then please send us the created TAR.GZ file named "support-<timestamp>.tar.gz" to so we can analyze it. We will process your inquiry as soon as possible.

Avira AntiVir Support Collector (Unix/Linux)
Date: 15 Apr 2009 - Version : 1.0.0-0

AntiVir Boot Sector Repair Tool
Boot repair - no chance to dangerous boot sector viruses under DOS! There is a new tool available to detect and remove boot sector viruses under the operating system DOS. All AntiVir users can download the search and repair tool, which contains a signature-VDF as well as a user interface (ANTIVIR.EXE).

Avira AntiVir Bootsektor-Repairtool
Date: 18 Sep 2008 - Version :
Avira AntiRootkit Tool

Avira AntiVir Rootkit Protection recognizes active rootkits. However, there also exist rootskits, which are used legally in programs. Avira AntiVir Rootkit Protection also detects those. Please note that using reported rootkits is at your own risk and it can cause program errors. Avira AntiRootkit Tool works on Windows 2000, Windows XP and Vista (32 bit).

Avira AntiRootkit Tool.
Date: 25 May 2007 - Version :
1.登入smc後,將樹狀圖打開,接著選到倒數第三個configurations>server>general settings>將第一個display agent....打勾>確定
接著選到security enviroerment中,您位於NAT的群組,右鍵>configuration>avira smc agent>configure>將左下方inherit打勾取消,選到右邊的server communication>將push選到pull,接著一樣選擇位於NAT的群組右鍵>commands>force agent synchronization>按是

接著便可對此群組下command了,只是下完command之後,需做此動作"選擇位於NAT的群組右鍵>commands>force agent synchronization"

並至C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Avira\Avira Security Management Center Agent\ 找到agent.ini ,打開它,將此行訊息 pull_mode_enable=false,改為true儲存,接著重新啟動此服務"Avira Security Management Center Agent",或者重開機。如此便可讓位於NAT後方的client連線回來至SMC

請先進入小紅傘畫面,進入右上方的configuration,接著將expert mode打勾,打開樹狀圖選擇到firewall,再進入裡面的application rules,打開add applictation,接著browse for other application,選擇到您的程式,如此重複操作即可!